Join our amazing sisterhood Faith Restored, Joy Renewed For Christian Women, where we encourage one another every day! Hebrews 3:13
Grab my 30-Day devotional book (with audio) "Love For His Word" to reignite your love and passion for the Word of God.
Tune in every Wednesday to the Her Faith Restored podcast where I help you strengthen your relationship with God through hard seasons of faith.
Hey sister! I'm Rosie-Educator, Spiritual Growth Mentor and Certified Mindset Coach. I'm here to help you strengthen your relationship with God through those harder seasons of faith, so that your joy can be renewed (Psalm 51:12), so that you can delight in the Lord (Psalm 7:34), and so that you can live your life to the fullest! (Philippians 4:6)
Live a life to the fullest and a life of purpose For a peace that transcends all understanding!
(Philippians 4:7)
I just love anything 'comfy'. I also like to look 'classy'. Modesty is important to me, but 'pretty' is also key! I'm a daughter of the King so I want to represent Him well.
It's so good to meet you, sister! Just a little about me and why I love to help you:
I'm a mom of an adult son, a teenage son, and a young daughter. I'm also married to the love of my life. I never thought my life would be as blessed as it is now. Why? Well, back in 2008, I walked away from God. I became the 'prodigal daughter' (Luke 15:11-32). What happened? Well, I got really busy and overwhelmed and I had a tough season in my life. In this season spending time in the Word was no longer my priority and so my faith suffered. I left God and my church and lived a sinful life. Now, if you know the story you know that the prodigal son did return and his father welcomed him back with open arms. You see, it's God's grace, mercy, and love that motivates me every day to grow closer to Him. I do this by being in His word (the Bible) every day, praying, having times of stillness and silence, and by being in close community with my sisters in Christ.
There's little I love more than cozying up on my little 'God-Connection Corner' holding my cup of (mostly decaf) coffee, my Bible, notebook and pen and sometimes my phone (for audio Bible).
Sometimes I like to take my Bible study outdoors in my front yard or at my local park. I feel God's presence in a special way under His great creation!
Sister, here is a review from one of my podcast listeners from the Her Faith Restored podcast. It lights up my heart to read about how the show is helping you grow closer to the Lord every day. If you have been blessed by the show, I would love to read your review too! You can leave a review/star rating on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify!
We can't do it all on our own. First, we need God every day, and we need a godly community to help encourage us. (Hebrews 3:13).
A relationship with God does not grow "by accident". It takes intentionality. The first step is committing to a time to spend with God daily.
We are not 'naturally motivated' to be with God (we are sinners after all). However, the right plan & strategy can help you get & stay motivated daily.
We are a TOP 1.5 global podcast reaching hundreds of sisters in Christ each week! In this podcast you will get loads of encouragement, learn to discern the lies from the truth, and grow in your intimacy with God by gaining inspiration and motivation to spend time with the Lord every day. Ready to strengthen your relationship with Christ? Follow the podcast!
Ephesians 6:18 says..."with this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." Sister, whenever you need prayer, just request it by emailing me through the contact form or you can also join our Face Book community prayer chat.
These are one of a kind workbooks that I created for women who want to go deep in their Bible study. One is for the woman who has limited time in the week and the other is for the women who has at least 15-30 minutes for Bible study or for use on the weekends. Great News! These are printable and you get both by clicking below! PLUS you can a bonus 30 Days of Proverbs and Prayer Guide!
Psalm 18:2 "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge".
My main struggle now is getting focused (I have ADHD) so I know now to use methods to help me focus.
Our sisterhood on Facebook is not just any other group. You can find extra encouragement and help in there beyond your church community with sisters you would have never met otherwise from different parts of the world. It is truly remarkable!
I have a master's in Curriculum & Instruction, I'm a certified Master Mindset Coach and have walked with Jesus for 28 years.
I myself have felt defeated, overwhelmed, guilty, and stuck. Overcoming and growing from this made me want to help other sisters.
My podcast is my personal ministry, so through it I give you loads of encouragement from the scriptures. Listen in weekly!
We all need godly women to pray with some times. The times we usually need this most is during our most difficult seasons of faith. How do you know if this prayer call is right for you?
1. You are feeling lonely or unloved during this tough season of faith.
2. You feel like know one will truly understand you.
3. You need hope and encouragement.
4. You find it hard to pray on your own.